Write For Platinum Music Magazine

Write for Platinum Music Magazine - guest blogging and posting

Participate in Our Premium Guest Blogging/Posting Program

Share Your Knowledge and Passion for Music

Write for Platinum Music Magazine in our premium guest blogging and posting program where you can share your passion about a particular music related topic or write on your deep knowledge in a certain area of the music industry.

We also accept editorial pieces and reviews as well outlining your thoughts on your music industry related topic of interest.

What Do We Expect?

We get a lot of pitches. Here are some tips and guidelines to getting your content posted in Platinum Music Magazine.

  • Read through this entire page before pitching. These guidelines exist for your benefit as much as ours.
  • We only respond to pitches we accept. We’re a busy team, but if your pitch sounds promising, we’ll do our best to get in touch within a week.
  • Make sure we haven’t already covered your topic before. Use the search bar on our blog and send us something we haven’t seen before.
  • If you need a deadline extension, please let us know ahead of time. We want you to take the time you need to write the best post possible.

These are the most important things you need to know.

Why Should You Want to Write for Platinum Music Magazine?

Our blog is a trusted resource for marketers all over the world. Don’t take our word for it though. Here are some stats showing how many people your post could reach:

  • Over 60,000 visits per month.
  • More than 6,000 email subscribers.
  • 30,000+ social media followers across the various platforms

We promote every guest blog post we publish as if it were written by a member of our team too. You can rest assured that your content will get read and help build your authority as a trusted name in the industry.

Our Editorial Guidelines

Our content needs to meet four pillars of quality:

  • Topic. Your topic must be relevant and targeted toward our audience. Strive to write the best post on your topic ever published on the web.
  • Research. Do your homework. Link to reputable sources. Use data and statistics to back up your claims.
  • Keyword. Your chosen keyword should be well-aligned with the search intent behind your topic.
  • Comprehensiveness. Cover your topic in whole. Don’t leave out any steps or information that are necessary for readers to apply your advice. Ideally, a reader should fully understand your topic, without needing to read another post.

Formatting Guidelines

We don’t have a detailed style guide we require you to follow. However, we do have a handful of basic formatting suggestions which will make your post easier to review:

  • Write your post with Google Docs. This is the easiest way for us to convert your content into a WordPress post (using our Google Docs and WordPress integrations).
  • Stick to H2 and H3 subheader levels. This helps keep formatting clear and simple.
  • Include any images in a separate ZIP folder.
  • Follow general best practices for web writing. Concise sentences and brief paragraphs work best for reader purposes as well as SEO optimization.
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Submit a Pitch to Platinum Music Magazine

Submit your article idea via the form below:

What’s Happening at Platinum Music Magazine